Follow all the latest news and results of sports and leagues around the world

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Be the first to know and to keep track of all sports news, matches scores and competitions around the world using Goalzzz app. Choose and follow the latest and most important news related to your favorite sports, countries, teams, tournaments and even players. Stay up-to-date whenever and wherever you are. Follow your sports passion and stay updated on all events through your smartphone.
Available on Android - Privacy Policy


Some of the supported tournaments:

  • Regional: Champions League, African Champions League, Asian Champions League, European League, African Confederation Cup, Asian and others.
  • Leagues: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and other local leagues.
  • World: World Cup, regional tournaments such as Euro, Asian Cup, African Cup of Nations, Copa América and others.
  • And more...


  • Easy browsing and access to all news and matches.
  • Full information about teams, tournaments, players and matches.
  • Lists of fixtures and results for teams, tournaments and more.
  • Tournaments schedules and team rankings lists.
  • Goal scoring tables in tournaments.
  • Ability to add matches to favorites.
  • Support news and live info alerts for matches.
  • Detailed information for major leagues matches.
  • Comments on games and news.
  • Send alerts and match updates to your favorites (teams and tournaments) (goals - red cards, yellow and others)
  • Send alerts about the top matches of the day.
  • Full control of alerts of favorites by enabling/disabling the sound and vibration.
  • And many other features.
Note: Goalzzz app is not responsible for errors contained in the information and data published in the application, nor does it claim the ownership of the presented material and data received. The application only collects information from multiple sources and websites around the world to facilitate easy access to news and sports information for users. All the sources used are mentioned in the app by directly linking the user to these sources. All rights are described in one way or another to all sources associated with and used to collect this information. All materials published on the application are intended for personal, non-commercial use and are intended to facilitate the user's access to this information by directing it directly to the source. The material is not reproduced, published, modified, uploaded, stored or distributed by e-mail or other electronic means other than the application and Goalzzz app have no control over it or whatsoever.